How to create an online account resign request (HR) on Intranet

To reduce the difficulties in managing all domain accounts, we have implemented the online request to acheive three goals.

- To have completed information when the request has been made. This is to reduce ping-pong communications.

- To have log of all accounts created.

- To have a centralized place to process new account creation (new staff), account update (staff change) and account deletion (resign staff). Especially the resign staff we have to delete them off as we cannot accept any risk from leaving them active.

- To have updated information in the active directory (means information in Corporate Address Book i.e. Outlook is up-to-date).


The steps below illustrate the new account resign request for resigned staff. If you require further assistance, please open a support ticket.


Note: Since we have a limited resource, we need you to comply with below policy.


  • Thailand
    • [Manager level up] ITO needs 10 working days prior notice to plan backup data, check staff assets, cut the system access and setup email auto-forward/ auto-reply
    • [Below manager level] ITO needs 5 working days prior notice to check staff assets, cut the system access and setup email auto-forward/ auto-reply
  • Other countries
    • Same rule as Thailand's Below manager level applies


  • HR must have resign staffs carry the Exit Asset Checklist form to IT for returning IT assets prior to or on last effective date
  • ITO staff who check the assets must sign on the form and it will be that ITO staff's responsible should some assets missed without note taken on the form
  • Staff can bring the Exit Asset Checklist form to ITO on last working day during office hour




1. Visit


2. Click New and Select HR View (if available).


3. Fill resigned staff's information in *For HR Only fields, note the fields with symbol * are required.


Choosနနနe Delete immediately if you would like us to delete resigned staff’s email on their last working day.

Choose Suspending if you would like us to keep email as long as you request in Keep/Forward Email Before Delete(day).

Choose Forward to if you would like us to set resigned staff’s email forward to person specified in Forward Email to, also Keep/Forward Email Before Delete(day) is also required.



4. After fill-in required information, click OK.