How to set up email on Microsoft Outlook 2010 for Urban Solution?

- Run Internet Explorer to be as administrator.Otherwise,you cannot be able to install certificate.

- Please try to access by using Internet Explorer only, then you select Remote Web Workgroup. You screen will be shown as a certificate error. Hence,please install certificate error to amend this problem.


- Please click on a Certificate error then click "View Certificates" at the bottom.


- Click "Install Certificate" then OK.


- Click Next

- Select Place all certificates in the following store 

  - Afterwards, click Browse ... and Next


- Then, please select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"



- It will show "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" on Certificate store as shown below : 



- Check once again it will show a Certificate Store Selected by User

- Your screen will be shown the Security Warning. Don't worry just click Yes.



- Click "OK".

- Click Start and type "cmd or command prompt"

- Right click on Command Prompt and select "Run as administrator"

 - Type "mmc" and press enter.

- Console page will be pop-up and then click File > Add/Remove Snap-in...

 - Choose "Certificates" and click Add 

 - Select "Computer account" and Next

 - Select "Local Computer:" and finish.



- Certificates will be displayed  in selected snap-ins :

- Click OK



- Please click start > Control Panel > Mail > Email Account > New > Email Account > Next



- Choose "Manually Configure ... " and Next


- Checked on "Microsoft  Exchange or compatible service"

- Server Text Box : sbfs01.Urban-Solutions.local

- Put username and click More setting

 - Select "Connection" and Marked on "Connection to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP"

- Click "Exchange Proxy Setting"

- Put all necessary information same as below :