Error with compliance e-training system

As we had been assigned to take e-training course from RMA compliance team, However there some user that have a problem while taking courses. Please refer to below FAQ for quick troubleshoot.


Q : I'm unable to login with assigned username and password 

A : please make sure you enter username and password correctly and there is no space in your username and password. If you still unable to login you can click at "forget password? below username and password field as it should ask you to enter your email, then system will resend you a password again.  if you already try above solution and still unable to login please open support ticket to us: here or send email to


Q : I'm able to login to E-Training system but when I click at course it popup a new page and show blank page or show error message that my browser is not support or compatible.


A : Please process following step


1. Open Internet Explorer and go to


2. After the site has loaded open the Internet Options menu:


3. On the Security tab, select Trusted Sites, click Sites and then click Add:

then click Close and OK.


4. Go to Tools> Compatibility view settings, type * and click Add.

Then click Close and OK.


5. Try to access training again it should show the course and you can process it.


Q:  I already taken a course to finish and I got certificate already but after I login the and see the course detail, system had mark me as "Incomplete" 


A: Please make sure that when you take the exam the end of course you had print out certificate that prof you're pass the exam. if you got that certificate please send it to along with other information we will help you sort it out.