How to reprint the cerfiticate when course has been finished

RMA Compliance e-Training System provides all RMA employees knowledge related to some compliance issues. The courses consist of "Code of Conduct", Avoiding Corruption and Observing the FCPA" and "Doing Business with the Federal Government: Compliance Overview". However, there are some circumstances where you completed the courses already but might forget to print the certificates for your reference. This KB will show you how to reprint the certificates by yourself.


To Reprint the Certificates

1. Login to the RMA Compliance e-Training System at as normal.

2. Click "My Current Assignments"

3. Launch the course you would like to reprint the certificate. In this case, it is the "Avoiding Corruption and Observing the FCPA" course.

4. You should be automatically taken to the certificate, where you can click the Print icon:


4. If you are not taken to the certificate click the burger icon, expand the last section "Final Test", scroll down and click "Certificate of Completion":


If you require further assistance, please open a support ticket.

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2013-08-26 21:34:23
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