SharePoint online and Intranet comparison

This snapshot is for SharePoint online where it provide delete function in library.

SPO Delete


This snapshot is for Intranet where it provides delete function in library.

Intranet Delete


This snapshot for subscribing SharePoint online alert

SPO Alert


This snapshot for subscribing alert on our Intranet.

Intranet Alert

This snapshot for editing Word,Excel,PowerPoint in SharePoint online (limited size to be able to edit not more than 10MB) , if file size very big edit in office version that installed on laptop/computer.

Edit Office on SharePoint online


This snapshot is how to check out document on SharePoint online.

SPO Checkout

This snapshot is how to check out document on our Intranet.

Check out Intranet

This snapshot for exporting list to Excel on our Intranet.

List export excel Intranet

This snapshot for exporting list to Excel on SharePoint online.

Export list excel SPO