How to access RMA RDS Web

How to access RMA RDS web

1.        Go to website

2.       Enter domain \ username \ password

a.       Domain = rma_hq\

b.      Username & Password same as your logon computer.

3.       Click Sign in

4.       If your user name & password are correct you will see application on Web RDS see below picture

5.       If you need to used any application you can click on icon for download

a.       For example we try to click Architect (TM1) icon after than the system will download TM1 for rdp (Remote Desktop Protocol) on your computer please click open file and click connect.

6.       Application request username & password please enter Username & Password same as your logon computer again.

7.       If your user name & password are correct you will see server login to TM1 again (username & password for access TM1 not same as your logon computer)