Adding New item in Aloha system

Adding New item in Aloha system

To add new item, go to maintenance  > menu > items.



First,  new item number and name is added.  Short name, long name and chit name is added.  Recipe cost is added if known and Primary Tax must be same with other items. For print, it is the printer that the item will be printed so the right printer must be chosen.






Need to put the price in price tab.




In Print tab, tick print on check.



After that, the newly added item must be put into respective category. Here in the figure, CokePET  is put in carbonated category. The item is selected and click “Include” tab below.





To appear the new item as a button on POS machine, go to maintenance  > menu > submenu.

Just click on the blank tab and choose the newly added item and it will appear  as a button on screen as follow.