How To Managing Quarantined E-mails

How To Managing Quarantined E-mails

 Following on from the recent advice about managing the Junk E-mail Folder we are pleased to announce that you can now manage e-mails that have been quarantined because their Spam score is significantly high but not so high that are immediately blocked by our servers.  Note, the Spam Confidence Level (SCL) is very high with these e-mails so they are unlikely to be genuine, however, you will have the ability to Review, Release and Block Sender during the 30 days they remain in quarantine.

 You will receive a summary of your quarantined e-mails every 3 days from:


You can also review you quarantined e-mails at any time by visiting:


Please remain vigilant with all suspicious e-mails and continue to forward (as attachment) any that you are not sure about to

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2020-04-03 10:00:28
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