How-To use Sharepoint with MS Project

How to Adding a new RMA Project Tracking template
         For Intranet there is a tool we can use to tracking the project, In this guide helps site designers to add the custom project tracking template to their site and also explains how users can use MS Project to populate a project tracking Gantt Chart. Please refer to step-by-step instruction below.
Kindly follow instruction :-
- Open the parent site that you want to add a project tracking sub-site
- Click Site Actions and select Site Settings (if this option is not available then you do not have the correct permissions for this site)
- Click Sites and Workspaces
- Click Create
- Add the title for your project tracking site and the URL name (abreviated)
- Under Template Selection click Custom
- Select RMA_Project_Tracking_Template
- If you need to set alternative permission from the parent site, set them here
- Change the parent site links as necessary
- Click Create to complete the new site
The new site will display as follows:-
Adding a new RMA Gantt Chart template
- To add an additional Gantt Chart to any site, click View All Site Content
- Click Create
- Click RMA_Gantt_Chart_Template
- Name the Gantt Chart, change any link information on the parent site and click Create
The new Gantt Chart should show as follows:-
Working with MS Project
- From MS Project open Options and make sure the Date format is as follows
- Add additional columns to the view by right-clicking the last column and selecting Insert Column
- Add the % Complete column
- Drag the new column to the right so that it is the last column
The new column view MUST look like the following before moving to the next step:-
- Select whole columns for Task Name, Start, Finish, Resource Names and % Complete
- Click Edit and select Copy Cell
- Switch back to the Gantt Chart, click Actions and select Edit in Datasheet
- Right-click the first cell under Task Name
- On the right-click menu select Paste
The pasted cells should look as follows:-
- Click Actions and select Show In Standard View
The final Gantt Chart should look as follows:-

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2013-01-27 18:16:22
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